Welcome to Cardenas & Ranch Market Rewards
Your Key to Exclusive Savings!
Thank you for choosing to shop at Cardenas Markets and Los Altos Ranch Markets! By becoming a member of our Loyalty Program and downloading our Rewards APP, you’re unlocking a world of exclusive benefits. Get ready to enjoy freebies, special offers, flash sales, sweepstakes, and exciting giveaways—all at your fingertips. It’s our way of saying “gracias” for being a loyal shopper!
Download Cardenas Rewards App
Available on App Store or Google Play.
App Store Google PlayCLICK HERE for Cardenas Rewards Desktop
Download Ranch Market Rewards App
Available on App Store or Google Play.
App Store Google PlayCLICK HERE for Ranch Market Rewards Desktop
Note: Desktop viewing may not offer the best user experience. For the best results, we recommend downloading our app.
Maximize Your Savings – Every Time You Shop!
To make the most of your Rewards membership, it’s essential to use the app every time you shop. Before you head to the store, be sure to check the app for the latest special offers and exclusive deals. Once you spot an offer, simply press the “clip” button. This ensures that the discount or reward is applied to your purchase.
At checkout, you can easily redeem your rewards by either having the cashier scan your phone or by entering your registered phone number. It’s quick, simple, and ensures you never miss out on savings! Don’t forget—using the app is your ticket to unlocking the best deals every time you shop.
Limited Time Offers on Participating Products!
Look for the blue price tags in-store to find products that offer sweet savings and exclusive rewards. These participating items may be part of a special flash sale and, in some cases, could even be completely free. Also, be sure to check out our weekly circular, which also highlights participating products.
Earn Points, Unlock Discounts!
For every dollar you spend, you earn points that bring you closer to special rewards. With 500 points, you can enjoy a $5 off coupon! Keep shopping, and when you reach 1,000 points, you’ll save $10! It’s that simple: the more you shop, the more you save. It’s our reward to you for your loyalty, and we’re excited for you to start reaping these additional benefits.